Forever would somehow expire...

Since when, everything in this world exist expire date.
A Sardine cane has its “best before”, a coupon has its “use before”, and even plastic wrap would expire someday!
One can imagine, it is the same in human’s feelings.
And I do not trust any of “Forever”, because life is always too short to prove it.
Therefore, we have to learn to live in the present.

“No regrets”- this is the best gift we can give ourselves, as well as people who cherish us. 

不知道從什麼時候開始, 這世上的所有東西都有了保存期限.
沙丁魚罐頭有賞味期限,折扣卷有使用期限, 就連保鮮紙都會有過期的一天!
可想而知, 人的感情也一樣逃不過這種命運.
而我並不相信"永遠", 因為生命本來就是短暫的.
所以, 我們都要把握好當下, 因為"不後悔", 就是你可以給自己, 和珍惜你的人, 最美好的禮物.